Este estudio presenta los resultados obtenidos a partir de la implementación de un generador termoeléctrico para la recuperación de residuos energéticos a partir de los gases de escape de los motores de combustión interna. En este se analiza la generación de energía y la reducción de las emisiones obtenidas.

Abstract: Thermoelectric generation is an alternative to recover some of the wasted energy trough an exhaust of the internal combustion engines. This paper assesses the performance of a thermoelectric generator with 20 modules by implementing a waffle heat exchanger. Experimental results showed a variable range of power recovery from 57.87W to 71.13W for B10, B5, and Diesel. The highest energy conversion efficiency of the afore mentioned thermoelectric device was of 3% with the highest load and the fastest rotational speed. Also, the recovery process reduced gaseous emissions such as CO, CO2, NO, NOX, and HC. Additionally, the smoke opacity per kWh is reduced at significant levels of operations such as 2.42% when using diesel, 2.65% when using B5 and 3% when using B10. However, when using biodiesel blends, NOx emissions were increased. Overall the biodiesel resulted in a higher power recovery performance versus the diesel.

A continuación puede acceder a la versión completa del producto de investigación: Evaluation of the energy recovery potential of thermoelectric generators in diesel engines.